Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy

It is hard for me to believe that I have had my own Podcast network for 9 years now. I had no idea of what I was doing when I first started out, and over the years I have created my own style in interviewing, show postings, and platforms to view and hear on. It has been quite an adventure and one I still love doing.
I have hoped to be further ahead with certain things, like my Orchard of Wisdom site and the Fund-Action program and the second book; but life has a way of either redirecting you and slowing you down, and some of those goals have not been met yet, but I do hope soon.
When I first started out I had Bill who edited my audios for me and put them up on SoundCloud, and when I ran into issues, he would help, but as of around early 2016 I was on my own and had to learn fast. Now I do all the editing, audio files, video, show postings, graphics, sharing and etc and I do my very best to give my podcast guest and representation that serves all their info and show.
I want to do more, but simple for one person there is no more time, each show is about a 5 hour production and I do anything from 4-8 shows a week, that is before the sharing. I have also created 3 more platforms. Mentorships where coaches can share their skills and program’s that serve you the audience. Practitioners, those who offer hands on programs, and Supporting the Supporters, where we support the organizations who are doing exemplary work in supporting others.
We already have on E-Book, but I hope by years end to have a collaborative book on our Forgotten Children series out too. Hopefully by the time this goes live, my new site will be up Orchard Of Wisdom where all our programs will be laid out will be up. It all depends on chiseling through some tech issues of which is not my strength.
So as I go into this new year of exploration and continue to bring you the most awesome liberating and illuminating people to inspire you, guide you and empower you, join me and help us get there even faster. I do all my shows via donation, some people are very generous, some not. We are on Patreon where you can support the SHOWS, the POD-BOOKS, the FUND-ACTION program, we ask humbly for your support so we can continue to bring these shows and the Pod-Books and much more. You can give a one time donation on the blue donate button, of go to Patreon and support us there on any or all our programs, every drop fuels the productivity.
You are not just donating, you are building up hope and solutions for those in need.
All of our shows/interviews are done by donation, if you enjoyed this show please support us here with either a one-time donation or subscribe and support on Patreon.