The world needs desperately good vibrations.
We are living in a downward spiral and if we do not stop this it will continue till the end of this planet. We do have the power within us to change, mother earth is pissed at us, but all life is energy and if we can elevate our own energy then we may just be able to aid this poor planet into staying around for us.
As Carol King said, “We have to get up every morning with a smile our FACES AND SHOW THE WORLD ALL THE LOVE IN OUR HEARTS“. We must stay upbeat no matter how beaten down we feel. We must give a dam and not relinquish to someone else. We must believe in something greater than ourselves and we must come together as a community a village and help each other out and not turn away. A problem shared is a problem solved; it is time to get back to the sharing of pain, hope, love, life, planet and populations. For if we do not then we will pay the price with our lives.
No matter what is going on in our life good or bad, make an effort each day to be kind, caring and considerate to some else. When we take the time to value some else it reflects back on us with an elevation of good vibrations. If we all make the effort each and every day and add to it every day, this good vibe will flow into the air and be contagious lifting other people’s spirit and igniting them to follow and create the good vibrations themselves.
Turn of the news (especially Fox news) Reach out to those that need us, start with your loved ones, a smile instead of a scowl, an acknowledgment of something great they have done instead of a reprimand. Give a reason for them to pass a good feeling forward for a proud smile goes a very long way.
We can make a difference; it is a CHOICE then an action on that choice. Don’t be a part of the problem but look to be a part of the solution. Don’t feed the pain but fuel solution. We can take back our lives our planet and our positive way of living, just DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEGATIVE, JUST DON’T LET IT IN.’
Sing it out loud, say it clearly, speak to your heart and soul and believe in something greater than yourself, and ask the Gods/DIVINE ENERGY for guidance to a more harmonious way of living. Send out the good vibrations and make this world into a better place to live.
Sara Troy
Producer/Host Self Discovery Media