I wrote this last year, but know someone somewhere is going through it now.
It has been a struggle in the last few days with that big D-word again, I try to ignore it, but it keeps tapping me on my shoulder. Why it is here I do not know, I work hard I believe in what I am doing, and I support people’s journies, but still, the big D sits on me now and again.
Will I ever be free of it? will I ever find my independence and value in life, or is this my journey forever? If it is, I do not complain, for as long as people need the wisdom from others’ achievements from the struggles, and life tools, I am here to celebrate them. But still, that big D sits on me bringing me down, slowing me down, telling me that this is all there is and to be of service to others is my purpose. I embrace that, I love that, but sometimes I feel that is all I am, just a service to others and not to myself. Yes, it is the big D talking, but its voice is loud and clear and at times drowns all hope out.
Maybe tomorrow will be better, maybe the big D will be gone, I will continue on for what else is there, I will not let it beat me, but strive to find joy somewhere somehow and feel it override the big D.
Although I wrote this in 2020, the big D knocks at my door from time to time. I have found ways to keep it at bay, but please never apologize for this thing called depression, for it can hit anyone of us and even at times cripple us, for a while. We can come back from it, I have time and time again and always will.
By Sara Troy
Here are some shows on Mental Health Awareness.

Mental health awareness and challenges are not one size fits all, once we understand from where it comes, understanding our mental health, and what triggers stress, anxiety, depression, and more, we are more empowered to face it and either live with it more cohesively or overcome it completely.