Discovering Your True Self by embracing who you are.
I am Sara Troy and I am here to help you in the Discovery of your True Self
We help you to discover your whole self by knowing what your true personality trait is, and who you really are in all your layers, and in the very purpose of your authentic life and its compatibility and relationship with self. When we have that understanding of our personality, we are more informed on how to react and interact with the world. Communication is key and speaking from your authenticity opens people up to truly listen to you.
Sara Troy started the “The Art of Positive Living” in 2001 and has been teaching personality self-identity and soul development for over 23 years using tools from 48 years of accumulated knowledge. Sara is also a spiritual counsellor by God’s design and who can see the possibilities of your purpose in life and can draw you a map in getting to where you are meant to go, but you have to walk it. She has an unbridled passion for helping people to live in the full embracement of self in their knowingness.
In order to embrace one’s self, we first need to know ourselves for we can not embrace our own life’s gifts until we know why we are here and who we really are.
Your 3 steps to your Self Knowingness are but a click away.
I use 3 steps to discover your True Self, a simple process of filling out forms followed by Your Discovery summary done by Zoom.
Discovering SELF shows you your 4 key personality traits, the perspective of how you receive your information and how you interact with others. It can show the Dreams of your soul, the Inspirations that invite you, the Visions that show you how to ignite your Action; and combined with all the other tools, it gives you a whole understanding of who you are and why you think and interact the way you do.
You will use this knowledge in any avenue of your life, for it is you defined.
Your View of life shows you where you are right now and what unknown obstacles are in your way of living a full life. By embracing what is unknowingly blocking you, we are then able to address these issues that stop you from moving forward in life.
Awakening the soul within, helps you connect to your soul’s intellect and be guided to ignite the heart, lift the spirit, and open the mind to its knowingness.
SOUL Awakening. With the knowledge of self, we can now tune into your soul’s intellect and by channeling your wisdom so we may know your path ahead.
More details here True-colours-and-elements-with-sara-troy
All pricing are in US funds paid through pay-pal
Discovering of SELF+ Your View of Life + Soul Awakening.
The Whole Discovery of SELF package is only
$388.00 USD (Special new years offer)
Whole Special package ( includes )
Your True Colours Assessment plus your (Astrology –Numerology, Chinese-ology correlations) with your soul connection, and Your View of Life.

Your View of Life is included in this program, but is being offered on its own in a zoom workshop online program. Next group workshop is in May at the low cost of $45.00 sign up here, this group has only 6 people in it. .
Once you have done the View of Life, you can finish the Self Discovery program at a discount.
Group View of Life payment via Stripe here

Discovering your Soul Awakening.
As a Discoverer of a Souls Truth, I can show you an understanding of your personality traits and your communicative process, that allows you to live a life of inner truth while inviting personal abundance and while building a community of like-minded/soul relationships, by knowing what part people play in their life and the role you play in your own.
You get a full audio-video summary which is done by Zoom. Request your Discovery program today and let us discover your life’s perspectives and be aware of your meaningful directions.

Sara Troy also owns and runs Self Discovery Wisdom (Media) which has over 3000+ collective shows of which Sara has done over 2700 of them, the podcast guests share their wise global authentic diversity which inspires us to take our own journey in life. If you’re looking for an answer to your Self Discovery, Sara has it for you.
To see how it all works for you, let us set up a 15-minute free call so I can tell you all about it. Drop me a line and let us set in motion the Discovery of SELF today.
Sara is also the Owner-Operator-Host on selfdiscoverymedia.com
Come listen to how we can help guide you.
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